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Whilst we do not act as a recruitment company many of our client companies request our assistance in helping them to find qualified senior staff and management when they have or foresee vacancies.


They know that we have a good 'grapevine' and are often able to be the 'go-between' or link between those seeking a position and those who have a vacancy to fill.


If you have a particular interest to seek employment with one of our client companies please feel free to send us your details together with a covering letter or email for us to forward to them or to keep on file in case such a vacancy arises. Naturally we will respect your confidentiality, but if you do not wish your details to be shared with any of our clients in particular then this must be clearly indicated.

Of particular interest to our clients are



  • Hotel management - both singles and couples.

  • Safari Lodge management - both singles and couples.

  • Safari Camp Management - both singles and couples.

  • Head Chefs, Training chefs and talented Food and Beverage Managers.

  • Safari Walking Guides (FGASA Level 3 / Zim Pro).

  • Safari Guides - Mweka certificated or similar.

U N I T E D  K I N G D O M  -  E U R O P E  -  N O R T H  A M E R I C A

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  • Africa-Reps Facebook
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